The Organization of Physics Undergraduate Students (OPUS) is a student-run group at the University of Manitoba. We provide tutoring services, volunteer opportunities, events, and more for physics undergraduate students!


The Physics Help Centre will open on September 16th in Room 106-110 Allen (located past the stairway near the entrance to Allen in the tunnels)!

Posted on August 24th, 2024

About OPUS

Ever since its founding many years ago, OPUS has been connecting curious and ambitious undergraduate students with a passion for physics. To this day, we are an inclusive and welcoming community of like-minded physicists, keen on problem solving and collaboration. See the “become a member” section below for information on how to get involved – it’s free!

OPUS aims to create as many opportunities for undergraduate physics students as possible. Among many other activities, we offer a free help centre and “Exam Cram Sessions” for first-year physics classes, volunteer opportunities and outreach, OPUS get-togethers, a journal club, an annual $750 bursary, and a space on campus in which to study and meet new people!

We are currently situated in room 206 in the Allen building on the Fort Garry UofM campus. Come stop by and say hello!


Physics Help Centre

OPUS offers a free help centre for first-year physics classes during both the fall and winter terms, in Room 106-110 in the Allen building. Help is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. See the schedule below for tutor availability in the help centre during the Fall 2024 term.

*Tutors on Tuesdays and Thursdays reserve the right to end their time-slot after 1 hour.
**Women and gender minorities only.

Cram Sessions

Prior to midterm and final exams, OPUS offers a 2-4 hour session in which OPUS members will provide full solutions to a premade problem set containing exam-like questions. Our problems come from past exams, textbooks, and many have been created by OPUS. Cram Sessions will be held in room 106-110 Allen (the same as our help centre) and pizza will be provided! All proceeds go towards OPUS events and the OPUS bursary.

For instructions on how to sign up and pay for the Cram Sessions please see the posters below once a session has been announced.

Upcoming Sessions:

Posters will appear here once a Cram Session has been announced.

Questions about the Physics Help Centre or Cram Sessions? Please email

OPUS Journal Club

OPUS now has a journal club! This is a very informal way to start to get comfortable reading academic papers with your peers. Each meeting will be hosted by an undergraduate student who will talk through some of the key points of the paper, followed by a group discussion where everybody is encouraged to raise any questions that they may have. Journal club is open to anyone who is interested! If you would like to get involved, please email us at

Journal Club will be resuming shortly. Stay tuned!

OPUS Bursary

We offer an annual $750 bursary for a full-time undergraduate student in any Honours, Joint Honours, or Major program offered by the Department of Physics and Astronomy with satisfactory academic standing and has demonstrated financial need.

Applications due October 1st, 2024.

For more information, visit the link below.

Awards Database

Become a Member

All University of Manitoba undergraduate students pursuing a major or minor in any physics program are encouraged to join OPUS! Becoming a member will add you to our mailing list through which we advertise many volunteering opportunities, physics talks, important department information, fun OPUS events, and more! Members are also eligible to claim their very own desk in the OPUS room (206 Allen) for the academic year, provided that they are volunteering 1 hour each week in the Physics Help Centre, and hosting 1 hour of a Cram Session each term.

To register to become an OPUS member, please fill out the form linked below:

Become a member!

Once you have submitted the form above, you will soon after be added to the OPUS mailing list and will receive an invite link to join the OPUS Discord server.

Contact Us

206 Allen Building
University of Manitoba